Yinshi Pods seek partner to trial new meditation pod


Providing meditation classes – which many companies now do – is fantastic, but the lack of apt space to meditate daily, at times when we need it, is still a big issue for many people. In practice it’s the biggest obstacle for people sticking with a regular meditation habit or getting the sleep they need to combat stress and anxiety.

Yinshi Pods’s solution is to retrofit these spaces into buildings and provide the privacy and security that people need for sleep and meditation. Yinshi Pods is looking for a partner to trial one of its meditation pods for a month, for free, to see if it’s something that people will use. To test how it’s used, how often it’s used, and get some general feedback. They believe it will be of huge value to any organisation and their wellness offering. Not only is it creating a space to calm, sooth and increase happiness and productivity, improve creativity, and reduce stress of your team, they’ve also ensured the design will further enhance the aesthetic of its environment.

A cubicle of calm just moments away.

They provide calming, private spaces where people feel comfortable enough to relax into a deep and soothing meditation or nap. Without the worry of being judged, observed or interrupted. Stress is driving us into an early grave, with a staggering 59% of employees experiencing harmful effects from high-stress. Meditation is proven to reduce stress – by making the amygdala less reactive and improving our emotional regulation. But how many workplaces have suitable spaces to meditate? We’re helping people and cities to be calmer and happier, by improving access to meditation and rest.

Key stats and info;

  • YouGov Poll, 2018 – via The Guardian found that 74% of people (rising to 83% among 18-24 yo) have at some point felt so stressed that they felt overwhelmed or unable to cope.
  • Vitality ‘Health at Work’ survey, 2017 found that the average number of annual working days per staff member lost to absenteeism or presenteeism has risen from 23 to 30.
  • Aetna study that showed “on average, mindfulness participants gained 62 minutes of productivity a week, which is an estimated $3,000-per-employee increase in productivity for the company each year. https://hbr.org/2015/12/the-busier-you-are-the-more-you-need-mindfulness
  • Only 36% of employers offer wellbeing programmes considered “beyond the traditional”, including mindfulness, work-life balance and financial fitness Deloitte 2018 Human Capital Trends Report Gen Y’ers choose quality of work life over financial benefits. http://fortune.com/2016/04/08/fidelity-millennial-study-career/

Looking for a space to calm, sooth, increase happiness and productivity? Yinshi Pods do exactly that and are looking for a partner to trial their meditation pod – completely free. Contact leigh@citycalm.me for more info.