Walkers has announced its biggest-ever on-pack promotion, offering a range of cash prizes with a guaranteed prize pool of £2m.

Walkers gives away pay packets in pack


Walkers is running what it claims is its biggest-ever on-pack promotion, offering a range of cash prizes with a guaranteed prize pool of £2m.

The Walkers Pay Packet promotion started at the beginning of April 2017 and runs until June 3, 2017, across the Walkers Core range in 32.5g singles, grab bags and on 6-pack multipacks. It offers the chance to win free six-packs, and a range of cash amounts including the equivalent of weekly, monthly and annual salaries.

Shoppers win if they find instant-win £5 notes hidden inside selected packs or cash vouchers for set amounts ranging from £540 up to £28,200. In total, there are 17 cash vouchers worth £28,200, 84 worth  £2,200, and 168 worth £540. There are 250,000 instant-win £5 prizes.

All cash vouchers and cash prizes are in sachets which have been securely distributed at random by an independent third party. Cash voucher prize amounts are based on the 2016 UK average annual salary provisional data from the Office of National Statistics.

PepsiCo marketing director Thomas Barkholt says: “We know that people love that payday feeling as well as promotions with lots of chances to win cash prizes. We are confident the packs will be a hit with those who fancy their chances of winning anything from an instant £5 note inside the bag up to the top prize of £28,200, whilst driving rate of sale for retailers.”

TV and digital advertising will support the campaign from the end of April.

The promotion is open to UK consumers (including Isle of Man and Channel Islands) who buy a promotional pack, except Northern Irish residents for whom there is a No Purchase Necessary route.

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