Tag: IPM, news, TLC
If you want to stop smoking, try carrots instead
Oct 21, 2020
For a long while the debate has raged: “is it more effective to incentivise or to punish?” I fondly remember Rory Sutherland’s TED talk arguing the effectiveness...
Evolution of Lockdown
May 29, 2020
In a recent call with a potential client, we referenced Kantar Consulting’s graph on the public’s emotional response to the present situation. After the downward...
What is next for brands?
Apr 01, 2020
Rob Scott, Group Creative Director at TLC Marketing, shares what brands can do next as, ‘stay safe’ message no longer cuts it. Over the past two weeks like...
TLC Marketing appoints Emma Lloyd to UK board to boost comms strategy
Oct 02, 2018
TLC Marketing has named Emma Lloyd (nee Critchley) as its first board level marketer, with the brief of strengthening its new business and communication offerings. Emma,...
Yakult celebrates ‘The Science of You’ with new on-pack promotion
May 14, 2018
Yakult is giving customers the chance to enjoy a range of activities that are rewarding for both body and mind, in a on-pack promotional campaign created to celebrate...