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To mark the launch of highly-anticipated videogame Prey on May 5, computer and video game retailer GAME teamed up with legendary music brand, NME, to create an exclusive Augmented Reality (AR) audio visual cover wrap for NME’s free weekly magazine.

GAME celebrates Prey launch with NME’s first-ever AR cover wrap

To mark the launch of highly-anticipated videogame Prey on May 5, computer and video game retailer GAME teamed up with legendary music brand, NME, to create an exclusive...

Doritos in the US has linked up with the new Marvel Studios' film, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, in a promotion which sees packs of the tortilla chip snack turned into music players that play the complete film soundtrack.

Doritos ‘Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2’ packs play music

Doritos in the US has linked up with the new Marvel Studios‘ film, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, in a promotion which sees packs of the tortilla chip snack...

To celebrate Mother’s Day in the US, KFC is giving away a free romance novella, ‘Tender Wings of Desire’, featuring founder (and now brand character) Colonel Harland Sanders as the love interest.

Col Sanders as romantic hero in KFC US Mother’s Day promo

To celebrate Mother’s Day in the US, KFC is giving away a free romance novella, ‘Tender Wings of Desire’, featuring founder (and now brand character) Colonel...

Burton’s Biscuit Company has launched its biggest ever promotional marketing campaign for its Fish ‘n’ Chips savoury snack brand, with an on-pack prize promotion with a £1m prize fund.

Burton’s Fish ‘n’ Chips runs £1m ‘Join Our Fans’ push

Burton’s Biscuit Company has launched its biggest ever promotional marketing campaign for its Fish ‘n’ Chips savoury snack brand, with an on-pack prize promotion...

Walkers has announced its biggest-ever on-pack promotion, offering a range of cash prizes with a guaranteed prize pool of £2m.

Walkers gives away pay packets in pack

Walkers is running what it claims is its biggest-ever on-pack promotion, offering a range of cash prizes with a guaranteed prize pool of £2m. The Walkers Pay Packet...

New packaging technology is helping promotional marketers create even greater impact on the way people shop, says Chris Baldwin from Sodexo

Three key ways innovative packaging can boost a promotion

New packaging technology is helping promotional marketers create even greater impact on the way people shop, says Chris Baldwin from Sodexo. PROMOTIONAL FEATURE...

Dutch vodka brand Ketel One is running an Instagram competition offering consumers in the UK, US and Canada the chance to win a stay at the Ketel One Huis, an offshore platform overlooking Amsterdam, to celebrate King's Day, the biggest party in the Dutch calendar and one of Europe's biggest celebrations.

Ketel offers chance to rule an offshore kingdom – for a day

Dutch vodka brand Ketel One is running an Instagram competition offering consumers in the UK, US and Canada the chance to win a stay at the Ketel One Huis, an offshore...

Swiss retailer Migros has enhanced its mobile app with a new Discover function, which uses Augmented Reality technology to let shoppers scan more than 5,000 products and access 2,000 Migusto recipes, 80,000 real-time product ratings on the Migipedia platform and nutritional values and further product information – with more content planned for the future.

Y&R develops unique AR app for Swiss retailer Migros

Swiss retailer Migros has enhanced its mobile app with a new Discover function, which uses Augmented Reality technology to let shoppers scan more than 5,000 products and...

Lucozade Zero and fashion retailer Missguided has announced a collaboration, ‘Zero To Pay’, which will be brought to life through on-pack promotion and experiential marketing.

Lucozade Zero and Missguided partner for on-pack and experiential

Lucozade Zero and fashion retailer Missguided has announced a collaboration, ‘Zero To Pay’, which will be brought to life through on-pack promotion and experiential...

Homepride flour is launching an on-pack promotion offering consumers the chance to claim a range of limited edition collectibles from British pottery maker Emma Bridgewater by collecting and redeeming on-pack tokens.

Homepride and Emma Bridgewater team up

Homepride flour is launching an on-pack promotion offering consumers the chance to claim a range of limited edition collectibles from British pottery maker Emma...