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Confectionery company Mondelez has enlisted the help of basketball superstar Shaquille O’Neal to help it celebrate the ‘birthday’ of its OREO brand on March 6th by giving away one million OREO Chocolate Candy Bars in a US-wide promotion.

Mondelez US gives away one million Oreo chocolate bars

Confectionery company Mondelez has enlisted the help of basketball superstar Shaquille O’Neal to help it celebrate the ‘birthday’ of its OREO brand on March 6th by...

Wine brand Stormhoek, based in South Africa’s ‘Cape of Storms’, is running a neck collar promotion across Great Britain giving consumers the chance to win £50 every day until the end of March, plus entry to a prize draw to win Stormhoek wine for a year.

Stormhoek runs cash prize promo

Wine brand Stormhoek, based in South Africa’s ‘Cape of Storms’, is running a neck collar promotion across Great Britain giving consumers the chance to win £50...

On-pack promotions are still an important part of the marketing mix despite the rise of online shopping, with new research finding that most consumers (66%) said promotions make brands more attractive. However, consumers also want the convenience which new technology can add to promotions, including recent developments such as online receipt validation.

Consumers still like on-pack promotions, but want extra convenience digital brings

On-pack promotions are still an important part of the marketing mix despite the rise of online shopping, with new research finding that most consumers (66%) said...

Easy-to-digest milk brand a2 Milk has just run a digitally-powered “Try Me Free” campaign to increase visibility in store at the point of purchase and drive trial.

a2 Milk runs ‘Try Me Free’ campaign

Easy-to-digest milk brand a2 Milk has just run a digitally-powered “Try Me Free” campaign to increase visibility in store at the point of purchase and drive trial....

Walkers, the UK’s biggest selling savoury snacking brand, has teamed up with ITV to capitalise on the Saturday ‘big night in’ sharing occasion by offering consumers the chance to win prizes live every Saturday night.

Walkers runs live promotions on ITV to drive sharing snack sales

Walkers, the UK’s biggest selling savoury snacking brand, has teamed up with ITV to capitalise on the Saturday ‘big night in’ sharing occasion by offering...

Creative technology specialist CASSETTE has been appointed by leading tourist attraction Madame Tussauds Washington DC to deliver an Augmented Reality experience based around the Presidents of the United States.

Madame Tussauds appoints Cassette

Creative technology specialist CASSETTE has been appointed by leading tourist attraction Madame Tussauds Washington DC to deliver an Augmented Reality experience based...

Peperami is tapping into the season of love with its 2018 integrated Valentine’s marketing campaign, positioning its new Beef Animal, mascot for its Peperami Beef variant, as the ultimate dating guru to help love-struck people across the UK reach their romantic potential.

Peperami Valentine’s Day campaign launches beef variant

Peperami tapped into the season of love with a 2018 integrated Valentine’s marketing campaign, positioning its new Beef Animal, mascot for its Peperami Beef variant,...

PayAsUGym, the UK’s largest virtual gym chain, has appointed partnership marketing experts LIME Communications to manage its brand partnership program during 2018, after a successful trial at the end of 2017.

PayAsUGym launches brand partnership program

PayAsUGym, the UK’s largest virtual gym chain, has appointed partnership marketing experts LIME Communications to manage its brand partnership program during 2018,...

Snack brand McCoy’s has relaunched its ‘Win Gold’ campaign for 2018, offering a prize of £10,000 to shoppers who find one of five gold crisps hidden in packets of McCoy’s.

McCoy’s ‘Win Gold’ £10,000 prize promo returns

Snack brand McCoy’s has relaunched its ‘Win Gold’ campaign for 2018, offering a prize of £10,000 to shoppers who find one of five gold crisps hidden in packets of...

The Marriott Rewards loyalty programme ran a 3,000,000 points giveaway in the UK at the end of January, to demonstrate that it offers much more in addition to hotel stays – and gave one lucky member a trip to the Super Bowl in Minneapolis, USA.

Marriott Rewards leverages Super Bowl LII with 3,000,000 points giveaway

The Marriott Rewards loyalty programme ran a 3,000,000 points giveaway in the UK at the end of January, to demonstrate that it offers much more in addition to hotel...