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Amplify creates culture platform experiences for Dr. Martens

Amplify will deliver a series of experiences and activations for Dr. Martens to inspire a new generation that empowers rebellious self-expression. Amplify has matched...

Independent craft brewer BrewDog is supporting its flagship beer, Punk IPA, with a series of 'Punk State' activations across key UK cities this summer.

BrewDog declares UK cities ‘Punk States’ with free beer at city centre ‘roadblocks’

Independent craft brewer BrewDog is supporting its flagship beer, Punk IPA, with a series of ‘Punk State’ activations across key UK cities this summer. The...

Rowntree’s has backed the launch of its new 30% less sugar range of Fruit Pastilles and Randoms with a brightly-coloured factory-style pop up full of bending pipes, with a “sushi belt” of tasting opportunities at the centre, giving people a chance to try the reduced sugar range in a uniquely Rowntree’s way.

Rowntree’s ‘sushi belt’ activation for lower sugar range

Rowntree’s has backed the launch of its new 30% less sugar range of Fruit Pastilles and Randoms with a brightly-coloured factory-style pop up full of bending pipes,...