Doritos’ flavour campaign, A or B, has reached its conclusion, drawing in over 50,000 consumer entries. Consumers were asked to select whether Ultimate Cheeseburger or Sizzling Salsa should join the line-up.

Sizzling Salsa win Doritos challenge!


Doritos’ latest flavour campaign in the UK, A or B, has reached its conclusion, drawing in over 50,000 consumer entries.

In previous flavour campaigns, consumers have been asked to suggest new flavours; this time around, they were provided with two competing flavours, Sizzling Salsa or Ultimate Cheeseburger, and asked to select which one should be eliminated, with the most creative idea for disposing of the losing flavour winning a cash prize.

The new flavours were packaged in opposing white and black packets for a bold visual effect. Sizzling Salsa has now been repackaged as part of the main Doritos line-up.


Consumers were asked to vote for which flavour they want to get rid of, and also to nominate ways to eliminate their choice. Once the votes have been counted to see which flavour was the least popular, a panel of judges then chose the most creative elimination method. The person responsible for submitting it wins £20,000.

In a close fought battle, Doritos B (Ultimate Cheeseburger) lost out to the more popular Doritos A (Sizzling Salsa). The £20,000 prize was awarded to Saffron Cullip, a 20 year old student from Southampton, who chose to eliminate #DoritosB with her creative idea of using pigeons to explode the Doritos packets by clay pigeon shooting them into Doritos-sized mini cheeseburgers.

As well as receiving the prize money, Saffron has had her idea has been brought to ‘life’ in the form of a short animated video which can be viewed on the Doritos UK Facebook page at

Entries could not be longer than 140 characters and could be submitted via Facebook, Twitter or at using the hashtag #DoritosA or #DoritosB indicating which flavour consumers wanted to eliminate.

The promotion was open to residents of UK, Channel Islands, Isle of Man and the Republic of Ireland who are over 18 years. It kicked off in mid June.

Andy Hawkswell, Doritos Marketing Manager, comments: “We are thrilled to have found a worthy winner of the £20,000 prize. Saffron’s entry was inventive and unique: perfectly encapsulating the bold creativity we were looking for from consumers.“

Sizzling Salsa will now be officially introduced as a new flavour in the Doritos range. It will be available nationwide from 19th September 2016.

Doritos is owned by PepsiCo and is part of a complementary food and beverage portfolio that includes Frito-Lay, Gatorade, Pepsi-Cola, Quaker and Tropicana. PepsiCo’s product portfolio includes 22 brands that generate more than $1 billion each in estimated annual retail sales.

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