Savsé kicks off new ‘Love Me or I’m Free’ On-Pack Promotion


To tie in with its recent brand repositioning and packaging release, Savsé, the UK’s fastest growing cold pressed and HPP smoothie brand, will be running its first promotional campaign ‘Love Me or I’m Free’ nationwide throughout May.

Half a million customers will be able to purchase any 250ml or 750ml bottle from Savsé’s range of juices and smoothies with the ‘Love Me or I’m Free’ crown. With this, they will be given the opportunity to claim their drink for free if they feel it doesn’t deliver on Savsé’s great taste promise.

The ‘Love Me or I’m Free’ promotion is a bold move for the brand, as Savsé is confident that once people taste a delicious and nutritious Savsé, they will understand how it is distinguished from others in the category. Savsé is a premium, 100% natural, high quality HPP product which already has a loyal consumer following. Through this activity Savsé is demonstrating its unwavering confidence in its products. The promotion is part of the wider ‘Never Compromise’ brand platform. It aims to drive penetration of the category amongst consumers who care about their health but have limited time to make homemade juices or smoothies.

Savsé never compromises on ingredients, production process, taste or nutrition, so consumers don’t have to either. Each drink is filled to the brim with 100% natural fruits and antioxidant-rich vegetables, to ensure the tastiest, healthiest raw smoothies, with no added sugars, colourings, supplements or water.

Unlike many smoothie and juice brands, Savsé never pasteurise their fruit and veg, instead using a special, small-batch, high pressure process (HPP) to preserve its drinks.

HPP (also known as pascalisation) maintains the natural goodness of the fruit and veg, creating drinks bursting with flavour that are as good for you as home-made. This is marked different to other methods such as pasteurisation, which heats up the fruit and vegetables, destroying the natural vitamins, nutrients and the vibrant flavours.

The ‘Love Me or I’m Free’ crown promotion is available on all 250ml bottles and 750ml bottles across Savsé’s drinks range from 1st May 2019. Customers simply need to write to Savsé and tell them why they are unhappy with the product (minimum of 15 words) and send the crown, receipt, full name and address to claim back their drink.

Within 28 days of receiving a claim, Savsé will send customers a refund cheque for the costs of the drink. Up to 500,000 drinks can be claimed (1 per household) for free through the promotion up until the 14th August 2019.

 Charlotte Ashburner, Marketing Director at Savsé, said: “At Savsé our mission is to empower people to cram the most into life, we don’t believe consumers should ever have to compromise – especially when it comes to what they eat and drink. We are proud of the premium quality of our drinks and believe this promotion is a testament to that – it is a bold move, and we’re confident it will drive penetration of the juice and smoothie category.”