Carbonated soft drink brand Orangina is launching a £2.4m experiential campaign this month, including sampling, plus an exclusive competition for independent retailers.

Orangina £2.4m sampling campaign plus retailer competition


Carbonated soft drink brand Orangina is launching a £2.4m experiential campaign this month, including sampling, plus an exclusive competition for independent retailers.

The sampling activities will begin in high-traffic locations around London, including Victoria and Waterloo stations, and will be supported by a nationwide partnership with hair care brand Toni & Guy. Other elements will include experiential activity at Brighton’s Big Screen outdoor cinema throughout August.

In conjunction with the campaign, independent retailers will be enter a competition to win five cases of Orangina and Orangina Light by sending their name and store address to or post their details to Orangina Competition, Lucozade Ribena Suntory, 2 Longwalk Road, Stockley Park, Uxbridge, UB11 1BA.

Bridget Hirst, assistant brand manager for Orangina at Lucozade Ribena Suntory, says: “We’re so confident in Orangina’s great taste that this month we are rolling out our biggest-ever sampling campaign in the UK” to run alongside the brand’s national outdoor, social media, shopper and PR activities.

The sampling campaign will run from June to September.

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