New St Mungo’s campaign from Paragon Park House tackles homelessness at Christmas.


Following their appointment to the homeless charity, St Mungo’s roster last year, Paragon Park House is excited to announce the launch of the 2019 Christmas Emergency Appeal to help end homelessness.

Rough sleeping is harmful and dangerous and as the temperatures plummet it can be particularly life threatening. St Mungo’s work to prevent homelessness and support people at every step of their recovery from homelessness.

Building on knowledge from St Mungo’s previous digital campaigns, the Park House activity for 2019 includes two new creative routes which will be tested and refined in real time plus a third, temperature specific cold weather concept.

The first route, ‘A dog’s life’ leverages the innately British sympathy for dogs, cleverly switching the focus from dog to owner to make the point that living rough is hard, whoever you are.

The second route ‘It started with…’ concentrates on the fact that homelessness always begins somewhere (with abuse, with redundancy) but you can help end it with your donation.

Hayley Creasey, Campaign Manager at St Mungo’s, said, “This is our first time working with Paragon Park House and we’re really looking forward to the launch. We were impressed with their creativity and experience during the pitch and have enjoyed working with the team to bring their ideas to life”.

Sharing her enthusiasm, Marc Michaels, Strategy and Creative Director, added “At Park House, we’re about creating connections. In this case between the public and a group of people who are far too easily ignored, the homeless. That made it a real but worthwhile challenge, raising vital funds for this important charity to save lives and rebuild lives.”

Andy Todd and John Vinton, the award-winning Park House creative team behind the work, are equally passionate. “Homelessness is something that could happen to any of us and more easily than you think. There were so many stories for us to tell. Far too many, sadly”.

The campaign launched on November 14 and is expected to run for three months.