John Sylvester named as IPM Chairman

John Sylvester named as IPM Chairman


John Sylvester, Chairman of Sodexo Benefits & Reward Services UK, takes up the role of Chairman of the Institute of Promotional Marketing (IPM) from January 1st 2017. Sylvester, who was previously Vice Chairman of the IPM, succeeds Graham Temple.

John Sylvester says: “I am delighted to follow Graham into this role and would like to thank him for the remarkable commitment and energy that he has so generously given to the IPM over his term.  We see significant changes ahead with Brexit and in the world economy.  Significant change is also apparent in the promotional marketing industry and I look forward to working with Carey Trevill and her team at the IPM, at time when the industry has the opportunity to be at its most disruptive and influential.  We remain committed to working closely with our Members to champion their interests and the interests of the industry during this time of unprecedented change.”

During Graham Temple’s two-year term as IPM Chairman, the organisation has seen significant changes. These include the appointment of Lord Black of Brentwood, Executive Director of the Telegraph Media Group and a Conservative Life Peer, as IPM President and spearheading a drive to address the non-regulation of political advertising.

At the end of 2016, the IPM also held elections for a number of board positions. As a result, Jon Fish, Group Partnerships and Loyalty Director, Merlin Entertainments and Adam Azor, Senior VP Integrated and Digital Marketing at Jack Morton Worldwide both joined the IPM Board from 1st January 2017.  Bob Suppiah, Director of Promotions & Partnership Marketing at Sky, Becky Munday, CEO of Mando, and Marcus Sandwith, CEO at Haygarth were all re-elected to the Board.

Jamie Barnard, General Counsel, Global Media, Marketing and eCommerce for Unilever, and Tara Honeywell, Managing Director Mediator, both stepped down. Outgoing Chairman Graham Temple expressed gratitude to both for their outstanding support for the organisation.

The Institute of Promotional Marketing acts as the voice of the promotional marketing industry within the UK, working alongside other marketing bodies to ensure that its members’ interests are properly represented in Whitehall, Parliament and Europe. With over 200 members, drawn from brand owners, marketing agencies and service agencies, the IPM’s mission is to promote, protect and promote effective promotional marketing across all media channels, helping create confident and informed marketers.

The IPM has serving representatives on various industry committees, such as the Committee of Advertising Practice, the body responsible for writing the rules that underlie the UK’s self-regulatory system for marketing.

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