As lock down begins to ease, so are agencies and brands beginning to become more comfortable with the idea that a sense of business normality is returning, but it is not without its pitfalls. The way we work as well as the manner in which we work has undergone a tremendous overhaul and brands are more acutely aware than ever that now, more so perhaps than ever before, mistakes could be dramatic.

The brand that is seen to be ‘cashing in’ or not appearing to be sensitive to the current climate will suffer. The phrase ‘read the room’ has never been more accurate.

Which puts this webinar delivered exclusively for the IPM by creative strategists Studio Black Tomato up there with the most important webinars you’ll hear all year. Entitled “How to Sell With Sensitivity” it covers the topic of brands that are worried to be seen as crass, insensitive and misjudging consumer sentiment and equips IPM Members with the tools to continue to sell creatively with this in mind.

Key messages

  • Now is the time to move on from apologetic COVID marketing.
  • Examples of historic times when similar things have happened and how brands have reacted.
  • The need to start being creative again.
  • How you balance that with sensitivity.
  • How to be more human / emotional with your promotions.
  • How brands can find the message that is right for them.

Wednesday 15/07/20 14.30 30 mins + Q&A.

Places will be limited so please contact: membership@theipm.org.uk to book your slot.