i newspaper launches new trade initiative for independent retailers


Johnston Press Plc publisher of the i newspaper has launched a new news trade initiative targeted at independent retailers; “i’m on your side.” Created by HH&S and working in conjunction with the National Federation of Retail Newsagents, the campaign will run through 105 newsagents nationwide.

The campaign is designed to assist independent newsagents to recruit new subscribers to the i newspaper. Retailers will be guided to identify subscriber opportunities from their existing casual newspaper purchasing customers, local businesses and schools.

Identified potential subscribers will be offered a 4-week discount period together with a further introductory subscription offer. Retailers will be entered in a free prize draw for every registered customer, business or school targeted with the discount offer and guaranteed a bonus for every 6-day subscription take out.

Paul Bacon, Sales & Marketing Manager for i said “i’m On Your Side has been developed as a response to retailers who feel they can both introduce i to a new audience and gives existing buyers a good offer that will lead to increase in frequency of purchases. Using their local knowledge pro-active newsagents can target different parts of their community with a suitable offer and be well rewarded for their efforts with long term subscriptions which benefit their business”

Richard Thomson Johnston Press Publishing Director said “The independent news-trade is critical to the continued success and future growth of the i newspaper and this initiative directly benefits both the trade and the newspaper. I see this activity as being the start of an on-going programme ”

Consumers and local businesses will be offered a free copy of the Saturday edition of the i newspaper and 50% off Mon to Fri for the next 4 weeks. Consumers, local businesses and schools taking up the subscriptions offer will then benefit from a further 50% discount off the cover price for 3 months and then 30% thereafter.