Red Bull has opened its Red Bull Can You Make It? 2016 challenge, where teams of students make their way across Europe using only Red Bull cans as currency.

How far will Red Bull take you?



Red Bull is inviting entries for its Red Bull Can You Make It? 2016 challenge, where teams of university students from around the world have to make their way across Europe using only Red Bull cans as currency.

On April 12, 2016, 165 selected teams from across the globe will depart from one of the five starting points in Europe – Barcelona, Florence, Berlin, Edinburgh or Prague – to an as-yet undisclosed destination. Each team will be required to hand over their worldly possessions – cash, cards and personal phones – and will have just one week to make it to the destination more than 600 miles away.

Along the way they will exchange only cans of Red Bull for everything they need on the journey – food, a place to sleep, transportation to the next location and other adventures.

Teams will create their own route by visiting Checkpoints in European cities (where they will be tasked with Body & Mind Challenges), completing as many tasks of an Adventure List as possible, and posting photos and videos that build support among their on-line followers.

In the last Red Bull Can You Make It? challenge, 100 teams managed to complete the course, achieving objectives along the way including getting tickets to a Champions League match to catching a ride on a private jet.

To enter for the chance to be chosen as one of the teams, three friends who are all university students must make a one minute video explaining why they should be chosen and submit it at, no later than February 14, 2016.

164 teams will then be chosen from 49 countries around the world. The number of teams seems to be dependent on the size of the country and/or market for Red Bull – so the US will field 18 teams, the UK, Germany and Italy 10 each, all the way down to countries like Panama, Macedonia and India, which all get one team each. National teams will be chosen depending on how much support they manage to get on social media.

There is an additional 165th team selected by sponsors red Bull partners Contiki Travels, made up of previous Contiki clients – this team will not be able to win, as it will be featured on the Contiki website throughout the challenge.

The selected country teams will get their travel to the starting destinations and home, plus their participation in the challenge as prizes. The three members of the team which wins the overall challenge win an ultimate European Summer adventure; they will be Contiki Travel Ambassadors for a summer, travelling across Europe and experiencing a range of local attractions and entry to Red Bull events.

Each team will receive a Welcome Kit including a team mobile phone, a map, business cards for the Main Event, safety instructions, a backpack and a case of 24 cans of Red Bull. Competitors may only bring one extra backpack each (for clothing, personal care items, umbrellas, ID etc.). They will be required to hand over all other items they have with them, including laptops, mobile phones and other digital devices, credit cards, cash and so on, which will be looked after for them until they complete the challenge.

The winners will be determined by combining scores for three separate areas: their Social Points, based on their social media support during the challenge; their Checkpoints Points, based on how they perform in a range of challenges at Checkpoints in different European cities along their route; and their Adventure Points, based on their completion of a range of adventure challenges along their journey.

Teams will be able to collect more cans of Red Bull at the Checkpoints along the route to use as currency in their journey.

More details are available at

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