Haygarth Help Vodafone Connect At Christmas


This Christmas, Haygarth helped Vodafone bring their overarching platform #FeelTheConnect to all their stores including flagship across the country!

At a time where everyone is feeling the pinch, we wanted to create a retail campaign that was empowering, hopeful and positive. By focusing on the power of connection using Vodafone’s overarching #FeelTheConnection messaging for Christmas, we were able to offer hope for the future to shoppers and positively communicate that technology is a gift not just for today but for the future.

For the look and feel of the campaign, we wanted to allow people to feel joy through nostalgic and reassuring cues of traditional Christmas elements. Individual snowflakes overlapping to create the Vodafone speech mark represented the power of connection in bringing people together at Christmas time, powered by Vodafone. This was brought to life with eye-catching window displays, striking props and engaging Christmas themed POS

Our Vodafone Christmas 2022 retail campaign is now live across the UK and can be seen in all Vodafone stores including flagship.