Little, Brown is running a partnership campaign with Maison Blanc and online wedding planning service Zankyou for new novel, The Chocolate Lovers’ Wedding.

Chocolate Lovers’ Wedding partnerships


Award-winning publisher Little Brown Books is running a partnership campaign with artisan bakery chain Maison Blanc and international online wedding planning service Zankyou for the publication of upcoming novel, The Chocolate Lovers’ Wedding, on 21st April 2016.

The partnerships, put together for Little, Brown by integrated agency Brand & Deliver, will see Maison Blanc running a month-long promotion with POS material in 13 stores plus a competition with multiple prizes supported across the brand’s digital and social channels. It will also provide the cakes and patisseries for the book’s launch events.

International online wedding planning service, Zankyou, will promote the book’s release with a pop up banner and sponsored post on the Zankyou website, along with promotional posts on social media over a two-week period.

The book is the fourth instalment of author Carole Matthews’ best-selling series The Chocolate Lovers’ Club.

Emma Williams, Senior Brand Manager at Little, Brown Books, commented: Carole Matthews is one of our most successful and well-loved authors. We’re delighted to be working with two market leading brands to help a whole host of new readers discover Carole and her new book.”

“This is an upbeat spring release and both Maison Blanc and Zankyou are feel-good brands that tie neatly into key themes within the book. Multi-layered promotions running throughout April will help engage with our target audience of female consumers,” said Richard Barnes, Head of Partnerships at Brand & Deliver.

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