Category: News

Edenred launches new suite of digital platforms to connect UK businesses with better performance

Edenred UK today announced its ambition to rewire the way that UK businesses build engagement, motivation and performance with a new suite of innovative digital...

Five fronts in the battle for customer loyalty in 2019

Colin Hodgson, Sales Director at Edenred shares how to stay ahead of the battle for customer loyalty. People’s expectations about how brands should behave will have...

Tottenham Hotspur FC appoints StreetPR for new stadium ‘Fanbassador’ role

Tottenham Hotspur FC has again picked specialist staffing agency StreetPR to provide a team of ‘fanbassadors’ to welcome supporters to its games. This time they will...

Facing the extremes with Kiehl’s

Creative agency Haygarth and Kiehl’s – the luxury beauty retailer – ‘Face the extremes’ campaign went live last weekend in an innovative retail...

Stella Artois partners with Co-op to support

Stella Artois, announced its #PouritForward campaign in collaboration with Co-op for World Water Day, continuing the premium beer brand’s partnership with

Absolute Radio takes Maldon Sea Salt on tour to find the UK’s best fish and chip shop

Absolute Radio is celebrating that ‘all great food starts with a pinch’ and paying homage to the humble fish and chip in a bespoke campaign with Maldon Sea Salt to...

Making the most of customer data

Nigel Clifton, Head of Creative at N2O, shares his opinion on how to make the most of customer data. Last year we predicted that a major marketing trend for 2019 would...

San Miguel partners with Somerset House to launch London terrace bar experience

Premium Spanish beer brand San Miguel will launch Somerset House Terrace bar and experience on the 29th March, providing world beer drinkers with the chance to...

KFC is opening its kitchen to the public – go behind the counter and make its famous fried chicken yourself

KFC is opening its doors to the public to find out if they’ve got what it takes to make its iconic fried chicken, just like the Colonel did. Up to 300 KFC stores...

McDonald’s asks customers, ‘Peely Peely?’ to kick off annual Monopoly game by Leo Burnett London

Creative agency Leo Burnett London and McDonald’s have launched a new finger wiggling advertising campaign called ‘Peely Peely’ to announce the return of the...