Category: industry

For brands and agencies in 2017, the opportunities offered by prizes and incentives are truly greater than ever before, says Chris Pearson of Element London

Prize Promotions: The Gift That Keeps On Giving

For brands and agencies today, the opportunities offered by prize promotions and incentives are truly greater than ever before, says Chris Pearson of Element London...

Sense London, the experiential marketing agency, and charity Hands On London have come together to wrap up the city’s most exposed residents – its famous statues – to launch the Wrap Up London 2017 campaign and encourage Londoners to donate their old coats to those in need.

Sense and Hands On London wrap up iconic statues to drive coat donations

Sense London, the experiential marketing agency, and charity Hands On London have come together to wrap up the city’s most exposed residents – its famous statues...

Brand experience agency ignis has launched the first product from its new tech venture, ignovation labs. Ignis claims its new Retailemetry is “a unique data capture, reporting and insights system that delivers live audience and activity analysis, when activated in a retail promotional environment.”

ignis launches Retailemetry retail data capture tool

Brand experience agency ignis has launched the first product from its new tech venture, ignovation labs. Ignis claims its new Retailemetry is “a unique data capture,...

Partnering with another brand can be a great way to recruit new customers, but creating a win/win scenario isn’t always easy, says Harriet Lewis of NDL Group

How to manage promotional partnerships and grow your audience

Partnering with another brand for a promotion can be a great way to recruit new customers, but creating a win/win scenario isn’t always easy, says Harriet Lewis of NDL...

The Advertising Association is today launching a new report, Advertising Pays: World Class Talent, World Class Advertising, and a campaign aimed at protecting the advertising and marketing industry post-Brexit by championing access to global talent and to celebrate the immense contribution of international talent to the UK.

AA ‘Great Advert for Britain’ campaign aims to secure international talent post-Brexit

The Advertising Association is today launching a new report, Advertising Pays: World Class Talent, World Class Advertising, and a campaign aimed at protecting the...

The Institute of Promotional Marketing has launched a major year-long project, the Experiential Marketing Framework, to create an industry-agreed effectiveness model for experiential campaigns, and has recruited leading brands and agencies to help it validate an experiential measurement model.

IPM recruits brands and agencies to create a measurement model for experiential marketing

The Institute of Promotional Marketing has launched a major year-long project, the Experiential Marketing Framework, to create an industry-agreed effectiveness model for...

Prize sourcing and management company Prizeology has joined the National Trading Standards’ Friends Against Scams campaign, an initiative that aims to protect vulnerable people from falling victim to scams, including misleading and fake promotions. Credit: chairboy

Prizeology joins National Trading Standards’ fight against scams

Prize sourcing and management company Prizeology has joined the National Trading Standards’ Friends Against Scams campaign, an initiative that aims to protect...

Prizeology, a new prize promotions service agency, has been launched by Sarah Burns, former Director of prize agency Spark and Fuse and current Board Director of the Institute of Promotional Marketing

New prize promotion agency Prizeology launches

Prizeology, a new prize promotions service agency, has been launched by Sarah Burns, former Director of prize agency Spark and Fuse and current Board Director of the...

William Grant & Sons UK is running two separate promotions, one targeting convenience retailers and the other shoppers, to drive sales of premium brands such as Glenfiddich, Grant’s, Russian Standard, Sailor Jerry and Three Barrels in the run-up to Christmas.

William Grant & Sons UK runs trade and shopper promotions

William Grant & Sons UK is running two separate promotions, one targeting convenience retailers and the other shoppers. The ‘Get your sales on the move’ trade...

Almost 80% of people receiving a branded gift feel ‘appreciated’, according to new research published by the promotional product industry’s trade body, the BPMA (British Promotional Merchandise Association) to coincide with this year’s Promotional Products Week (PPW) which runs until October 6th.

Branded corporate gifts make people feel ‘appreciated’

Almost 80% of people receiving a branded gift feel ‘appreciated’, according to new research published by the promotional product industry’s trade body, the BPMA...