Category: industry

Experience12 Hires Pop Culture Veteran Clare Bateman-King

Experience12, the award-winning pop culture marketing agency, has appointed Clare Bateman-King to the newly-created role of Entertainment Business Manager. The role will...

1HQ Design Fit For A King

1HQ were delighted to design a Limited Edition Lyle’s Golden Syrup tin in honour of His Majesty King Charles’ Coronation. ‘We crafted delicious swirls and...

IPM Awards Late Entry Deadline Extended

The IPM Awards 2023 is one of the most eagerly anticipated awards in the promotional marketing industry. The annual awards recognise excellence in promotional marketing...

IPM member Broccoli supports local junior racing team

At Broccoli we’re delighted to re-join the IPM. As an integrated agency with its roots in promotions, we believe marketing should involve, connect and entertain. Too...

Another Way Prize Management Join The IPM

Another Way Prize Management is delighted to be joining the IPM community. Specialising in Prize Management, Brand Experiences and Incentives, Another Way is passionate...

MARS Agency Launch Insightful Universal Trends Report

The MARS Agency has recently launched an insightful universal trends report that surveys over 14,000 shoppers worldwide, highlighting 7 key trends that will impact...

The IPM Awards 2023 Entries Are Now Open

The IPM are delighted to launch the 2023 IPM Awards, celebrating the success, innovation and creativity that is carried out right across the promotional marketing...

Introducing New IPM Member BIG little LDN

BIG little LDN is the agency for businesses who want more bang for their buck. We specialise in brand strategy, PR, social media and influencer marketing.   We’re a...

‘Understanding Loyalty In Europe’ White Paper Launch By Mando

We are delighted to let you know that, on March 15th 2023, IPM member Mando is launching a new white paper with YouGov “Understanding Loyalty in Europe”. The first...

Marketing Trends For 2023 From TLC

We’ve all become used to the unpredictable over recent years. TLC’s marketing trends for 2023 aims to give you the best opportunity to kick start the new year-...