Big brands get behind 23rd National BBQ Week


Back for a record-breaking 23rd time, National BBQ Week will encourage consumers to go for the grill, become Better BBQ’ers and enjoy some Gastro-grilling at the start of the great British summer.

National BBQ Week has been responsible, since its launch in 1997, for not only being the ‘catalyst for growth in the BBQ market’ but also being ‘fundamental in changing consumer attitudes to BBQ’.

Launching on Spring Bank Holiday and running the whole week from 27th May until the 2nd of June, the Week will be incorporating a dynamic digital, PR, experiential and media focus set to reach over 50 million people.

BBQ RoadShows

This year the campaign includes two exciting experiential BBQ RoadShows, The London Foodie Festival at Syon Park, 25th – 27th May and the Royal Bath and West Show, 29th May – 1st June where a further 200,000 people will be exposed to the campaign and its supporting BBQ sponsors.

BBQ Brands

The 23rd National BBQ Week is supported by these leading brands:

  • Official Beer – Cobra
  • Official Condiment Hellmann’s 
  • Official BBQ Wraps – Mission Deli Wraps
  • Official Cheese – Primula
  • Official Sausages – Alf Turner
  • SPAM® Chopped Pork And Ham
  • Official Fuel – Zip

Major Media Competitions

One of the UK’s biggest competition campaigns reaching around 50 million consumers will be run through media, and on social media channels including Instagram, Twitter and Facebook with big BBQ prizes.

2019 also sees the return of the highly popular BBQ Baptas. Social media followers of the campaign will be sending in videos of their fun Barbi’s or premium grilling technique / results, with the aim of winning a coveted BBQ Bapta Award and a big money prize as well as BarbiBoxes, full of sponsors goodies for runners-up.

This year as part of the campaign, a new retailers BBQ Guide has been launched and is being circulated to large, medium and independent retailers, farm shops, food outlets and restaurants who are all being encouraged to bang the National BBQ Week drum as loud as possible to drive sales and increase footfall. Anyone who would like a copy, can contact

Along with the UK’s leading BBQ Website,uk full of hints, tips, recipes and guides to ‘Being a Better BBQ’er’, there is also a Barbi Blog.

Brian George, Chief GrillMaster and Founder of National BBQ Week, said: “It’s really great we’re once again able to promote Better BBQ’ing and Gastro-grilling and to be able to celebrate our 23rd year by working with such great and hi-profile brands. We’re also delighted to be able to bring the National BBQ RoadShow to two of the leading food events in the UK in two of the most beautiful parts of the country.”

For more information, visit or tweet using #NationalBBQWeek OR #GetTheGrillOn