B Corps First Wealth and The Happy Prize Company team up for new referral scheme


The newly certified (2020) B Corp financial planning firm First Wealth have teamed up with a fellow B Corp The Happy Prize Company to create a set of unique experiences for a new referral scheme they’re launching. Customers who meet the eligibility criteria will be rewarded with a choice of UK-based options such as a weekend in a safari lodge at the Big Cat Sanctuary in Kent and the chance to build their own watch whilst learning the history of watchmaking at The British Horological Institute.

Managing Director of The Happy Prize Company Justine Clement said “‘We feel hugely excited and privileged to be working with First Wealth as they launch this referral scheme.  We create prizes, rewards and incentives that are in line with our values as a B-Corp and our goal is to drive positive change in the marketing, travel and experiences industry. We continually seek to provide people with meaningful experiences and are looking forward to delivering some of these to First Wealth clients.”

First Wealth embrace being pirates

First Wealth’s mission is to create a fun and joyous financial planning business for the benefit of their clients and staff.  They commit to respecting their community, care about the environment, embrace diversity and like The Happy Prize Company, to make a positive impact on their industry. Importantly, radical transparency is matters to them, which means that their clients always know exactly what they’re doing, the thinking behind it, and full disclosure on fees.

Of course, it’s not easy to do new things, especially if they oppose the status quo. To help First Wealth adopt a mentality of innovation and encourage pioneering ideas in the financial services sector, they’ve introduced a fun internal concept; to become pirates. Pirates have a history of disrupting the way society does things, which is exactly what they’re aiming for; to disrupt the financial services industry and be a catalyst for change.

Carbon Neutral

One of key challenges and goals for all businesses, although particularly high on the agenda for B Corps, is how to become carbon neutral. Both First Wealth and The Happy Prize Company are seeking to achieve this as soon as possible because they understand the impact that global business is having on the environment and how imperative it is that we reverse this trend. Both companies are changing their service providers and suppliers to businesses who also share this vision. Currently, the Happy Prize Company offsets all flights and ground travel with B Corp Climate Care, but are shortly beginning a new relationship with UK carbon credit start-up Sub 51, who aim to protect and enhance the UK’s natural environment with a view to increasing the amount of carbon sequestered by different vegetation types.  Pioneering in their approach, Sub 51 will act as a link between businesses and landowners by offering a carbon credit marketplace which offers fantastic traceability here in the UK.  They connect businesses like The Happy Prize Company directly with the environment through UK farms, making SUB 51 the only traceable UK carbon credit marketplace.

To contact The Happy Prize Company about conscious rewards, prizes or incentives for your forthcoming activity contact them at hello@thehappyprizeco.com or go to www.thehappyprizecompany.com