Budweiser partners Tomorrowland
Jul 19, 2016
Budweiser has announced a three-year global partnership with Belgian festival Tomorrowland, one of the largest international electronic music festivals in the world, as...
TENA launches ‘TENA treats’
Jul 18, 2016
TENA Lady, the UK’s number one bladder weakness brand, has unveiled a new on pack promotion which will allow consumers to ‘treat’ themselves this summer. The...
Strongbow ‘Let’s Own It’ campaign
Jul 18, 2016
Strongbow – the UK’s number one cider brand – has launched a multi-million pound campaign as part of its exclusive sponsorship of Team GB ahead of Rio 2016,...
Gastro Alfresco ‘#Alfrexit’ vote
Jul 15, 2016
Brand Belief’s latest Gastro Alfresco multi-brand roadshow has jumped on the Brexit bandwagon with a #Alfrexit campaign encouraging consumers to ‘Vote Alfrexit’ by...
Branston summer sampling activity
Jul 12, 2016
Branston, the UK’s favourite pickle brand, will be sampling at the Battle Proms and Folk by the Oak this summer to raise awareness of its chutney range and its use in...
Optiwell identifies snacker profiles
Jul 11, 2016
Shoppers across the UK can discover what kind of snacker they are and win one of 10 £100 H&M vouchers when yogurt drink Optiwell’s ‘Thank Goodness’ campaign...
Lipton Ice Tea Extend Your Weekend
Jul 08, 2016
Britvic’s Extend Your Weekend Monday morning event campaign for Lipton Ice Tea continues this Monday (July 11th) at London’s Truman Brewery in Brick Lane, with Adam...