Activation’s Brand Campaign Development For Wall’s


This year, Activation has been on a journey with Wall’s developing their new brand comms platform.  From working through their strategic challenges, audience insights, and brand proposition they have landed on a brand line to bring their comms together under a single, unifying idea.

With a best-ever recipe, Wall’s continues to do everything it has always done, but now it’s better, not only in terms of quality and taste, but also there’s also a plan for the brand to do more for the people and communities that it serves, by tackling hunger.

When hunger calls, grab a Wall’s!

The agency has used the new recipe campaign to launch the new line.

With a challenge to use the new recipe story to get sausage rolls into people’s minds and shopping baskets, they developed a high-reach social campaign focused on awareness and consideration.

With 64 layers of moreish flaky pastry and mouthwatering sausage filling, Wall’s sausage rolls are better than ever with their best-ever taste and highest-ever quality.  What more do you expect from the nation’s favourite?!

The team knew that the creative needed a key focus, for them this was ‘hunger’ – one of the key purchase factors for the product (and brand!) and something we can all relate to.

And so ‘Chomp, chomp, chomp’ was born! A mouthwatering animation that highlights the product’s new recipe as the beautifully photographed sausage roll disappears, one chomp at a time! (Hungry yet?)

The animation uses a warm voiceover and most importantly, ends with their new brand line… You can watch it here:

When hunger calls, Grab a Wall’s

The campaign is live on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube currently stopping thumbs and grabbing attention as we speak!

You’ll be seeing more of this line in months to come as Activation has lots of exciting things coming your way…. Watch this space!